ups battery backup

Subway is one of our common transportation, most of the subway stations belong to underground stations. Underground stations in the lighting system will be particularly important. Now we introduce the battery in the subway emergency lighting system.

The battery is used in a wide range of environments, we are usually familiar with the electric car battery, cell phone battery, etc.. Subway power supply system in many equipment are installed on the battery, such as communication equipment, vehicle equipment, security door equipment and emergency lighting equipment.

The normal operation of the subway, the subway station lighting fixtures by the normal utility power supply, but the key parts like the subway station, in order to protect the safety of passengers and the stability of the lighting system, in addition to the normal utility power to provide lighting, the subway station is also equipped with emergency lighting fixtures and battery power supply.

When an emergency occurs, such as fire, earthquake, flooding, rain and snow, and other irresistible factors that lead to power outages, our batteries will play a major role – to provide emergency lighting power for the subway station, to ensure that the subway station remains bright, in order to better deal with other emergencies.

The safety of the passengers is above all, and the battery is our backup for safety. Although the battery is rarely used in normal operation, but the battery is like the spare tire of the car, we can not use it, but not without it.

For more information, visit Battery Products to see our full line of reliable products from top brands.

Or, contact JYCBATTERY for professional help – we’d be happy to help you find the batteries you need.